There are 147 properties for sale in Airdrie today
126 are single family homes
86 Homes have sold in the last 30 days
we have less than one month of inventory on the market
over 70% of the home's statistically to sell in the next 30 days
Market Condition: Sellers
Average List Price: $ 398,257.000
Average Sold Price: $393,485.00
Average Days on Market: 42
Average list to sale price ratio: 98.8%
Property priced at market value will attract more buyers than a home prived above market value. Consider that a competitively priced property will also attract a greater number of potential buyers and increase your opportunity for a quick sale.
Sellers can take a slightly more agressive approach to pricing but it's not recommmened to step out of the realm of realsitic. Due to inventory being limited buyers may be more willing to over the unique/uncommon features that they generally may not need. Or wait for spring 2014.
Terri 403-827-4663
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