303 that's how many listings we have in Airdrie as of March 28, 2012.
247 which are single family homes / 56 which are condos = 303 properties
98 HOMES have SOLD in the last 30 days as of March 28, 2012
22 CONDOS have SOLD in the last 30 days as of March 28, 2012
The Past 30 days
Average house size sold in Airdrie is 1650 sq.ft. for $373,045.00 - days on market 47
The Past 90 days
Average house size sold in Airdrie is 1645 sq.ft. for $365,703.00 - days on market 60
****** the market has picked up and our prices have slighty increased with sales
occuring a bit faster than 2 months ago *******
Call ME or Text ME today - 403-827-4663 Let's Get Moving
Terri Stephens